EGYPT   |   GREECE   |   BURMA   |   INDIA

put map of country here with towns as links,  under each town put the various landing grounds and story and pics of each

Recent postcard of Crete, sent by Corp Norman (Mark) Lamb to Charlie Walker. July 04

Bomber Squadron Song. Greece 1941
(To the tune of Clementine)

To Valona, to Valona
Every morning just at nine
Same old kites, and same old squadron
Same old target, same old time.

North of Corfu, dawn is breaking
And the sun, begins to shine
Macchi - Hundreds, and 4 - Fifties
Waiting for us dead on time.

Do four runs up, says the c.o.
And make every bomb a hit
If you do you'll go to heaven
If you don't, you're in the shit.

On the way back, same old fighters
And the gravy's running low
How I wish I, could see Larissa
Through the snow - storm down below.

How I wish I were in Athens
Drinking Cognac by the score
And I need not, ever go back
To Valona any more.

SOURCE: Corp Norman (Mark) G Lamb