True Tall Tales

The following short stories are a great mixture of tragic, humerous, and everyday events. No attempt has been made to organize them into categories, rather they are presented in the same chaos as was the day to day life on the squadron. Every day and indeed every hour, held moments of humour, boredom, tension, white knuckle fear, great excitement or intense grief. Sometimes all of the above could be experienced over a time frame of mere minutes. Keep in mind they are not intended to be historical documents and therefore may not be entirely accurate, often there are slight variances between the telling of the same story. Nonetheless, this is the way the author remembered the events unfolding and this is the way they are recorded here. One last further point, an aircraft returning from operations shot full of holes and skidding to a stop wheels up in a great cloud of dust was never funny if someone was seriously hurt, on the other hand if all walked away safely, despite the terror of the event, it made fair game for great backslapping, storytelling and cheers in the mess that night.

By Lord Deramore
(Arthur de Yarburgh-Bateson is Lord Deramore, Navigator with 14 Squadron, RAF.)
By Sgt George (Taff) Checketts
By Chappy Chapman
Author Unknown
By F/Sgt Harry Clement
By Corp J Lightbody
By Corp J Lightbody
By Corp Norman Say
By Corp George Foster
By F/Sgt Alan Bailes
or The Motorcycle that went BANG!
By F/Lt Bill Whittlesey
or The Motorcycle that went CRUNCH!
By F/Lt Bill Whittlesey
By P/O (S/Ldr) Michael Shekleton
By P/O (S/Ldr) Michael Shekleton
By F/Sgt Ewan Brooking
By John Chapman II (Sgt Chappy Chapman)
By John Chapman II (Sgt Chappy Chapman)
By S/Ldr John (Ian) Blair